Welcome to the Railway and Mining Museum of Oignies
Welcome to the Railway and Mining Museum of Oignies
There are many projects on the go at any one time at CMCF Oignies. Below we illustrate two of our largest and most ambitious projects.
CMCF hosts the "Super Pacific du Nord" 3.1280 (which became 231C78 at the creation of SNCF), the locomotive which, in 1938, pulled the train in which the British sovreign visited Paris in a visit cementing the "Entente Cordiale". Allocated to CMCF by SNCF, once restaured it will be put in it's orignial livery, that is to say, the colour of chocolate. It is intended to make the locomotive operational and capable of heading a rake of carriages exclusively from the "Nord" company.
Click here to know more (in French)
The building which houses CMCF Oignies was built around the steam powered winding engine constructed in 1939. It is being restored (albeit slowly) by members of CMCF with the intention of demonstrating it turning using an electric motor.
Click here to learn more (in French)